Become a Health & Life Coach in 6 Months! Learn more about our Dual Health & Life Coach Certificate Program

Our Program is Approved and Accredited by these International Coaching Organizations

Graduates have earned C$6,500 - C$13,000 per month or more.

Graduates have earned C$6,500 - C$13,000 per month or more.

100% online. Learn from anywhere in the world.

100% online. Learn from anywhere in the world.

No prerequisites. Anyone passionate about healthy, vibrant living can become a coach.

No prerequisites. Anyone passionate about healthy, vibrant living can become a coach.

Join over 20,000 successful graduates from 30 countries who are getting paid to do what they love.

Join over 20,000 successful graduates from 30 countries who are getting paid to do what they love.

Desire to Inspire + Passion to Serve?

“The course we were seeking but couldn’t find…”

We spent 4 years researching every coaching program we could find. It turns out there are lots of decent coaching programs out there, but in each one something was missing.

Some programs had great educational content but none of their graduates were very successful because they didn’t teach anything about business, marketing or what’s it really like to work for yourself!

We started to experiment with these elements. Our goal was to create leaders in a modality that fosters personal growth and consciousness, gets results, provides structure that can serve people for life, and is fun.

Become a Health & Life Coach in 8 Months

Coaching is one of the most exciting, lucrative industries to be in right now..and for years to come. This isn’t something we’re making up; this is from studying industry trends and where people are most willing to invest in their personal development and well-being.

Personal development is part of a trillion dollar industry, so where exactly are people investing in themselves?

Check this out:

According to the US Department of Labor, the # of Health Coaches employed in the US is expected to grow 21% by 2022 (that’s in the next 5 years).

Over the same period, overall employment growth is projected at 10.8%. Healthcare and social assistance, the bucket that health coaches fall into, is projected to be the fastest growing source of employment in the economy.

The average salaries of Health Coaches are estimated to be in the range of $50K – $75K, with the top 10% of health coaches earning $100K and above.

What this means is that people are definitely looking for and paying for alternative ways to feel better that with the right education, you can provide.

The beauty of our program is that you will be able to start your career as a Health Coach OR a Life Coach.

Coaching—the way we teach it—works on 3 domains:

  • Physical well-being
  • Emotional well-being
  • Cognitive well-being

A real Life Coach is someone who brings health to all 3 domains.

You will have the tools, confidence and sophistication to work with clients in any area of life.

Why Health AND Life Coaching instead of just Life Coaching?

Great question. Health is the first doorway to transformation. When you’re healthy, you have more to give your clients. When your clients are healthy, they have more life energy to channel into their relationships, career, house, community, spirituality, and intentional lifestyle design.

On the other hand, if you don’t have health, you’ve got depletion, exhaustion, perhaps even illness, and then it’s really hard to make ANY changes in your life when you feel like crap or have no energy, isn’t it? So the first step to changing someone’s life is to change the health of their habits.

Our premise is that Health & Life Coaches are Masters of Habit Change.

An icon representing habit change.

Health Coaching, as a profession, is exploding for this very reason. Our curriculum focuses not merely on nutrition, but on the art and science of habit change because, we believe, it’s your habits that determine your health, your relationships and everything else.

Here’s the bottom line: your coaching practice is a living entity. It will evolve as you evolve. You will likely work with people on many of these areas, but only if you have a CLEAR initial doorway for clients to step through.

Imagine, in just 8 months, you will have the structure and skills to serve clients for life.

Click here to get program info and see exactly what you’ll learn in the 8-month professional certificate training.

Reviews From Our Students

How Becoming a Health Coach Changed Their Lives

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Our students unanimously say "Absolutely!" Here's the inside scoop.

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Meet The Founders Carey Peters & Stacey Morgenstern

Stacey Morgenstern and Carey Peters are the founders and primary teachers of Health Coach Institute, a world class international coach training company in service of creating leaders in the art, science and business of health coaching.

With over 20,000 graduates from 30 countries, they are pioneering the new generation of aspiring health coaches who want to turn their holistic passion into a thriving, meaningful career that raises the consciousness of the planet.

“You don’t have to wake up dreading going to work… Get paid to fall in love with your life.”

Learn more about our Dual Health & Life Coach Certificate Program

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